Pins and badges

A big gesture in a small size. Whether it's an official award or a token of appreciation, your logo or occasional design always makes pins or badges personal. In many cases they are given as a token of appreciation, for a number of years of service in an association or company.

Pins are struck or printed, in the form of your choice. Usually these are made in metal, but these can also be made in gold or silver, and even gems can be attached.


Pendant Pin Agfa Pin Asap Pin Axial Pin European Parliament Pins G4S Pin HCH Pin Jaguar Pin Pin Pin Pin Pioneer Pin Pin VAD Pin Venus Pin Vigilis Pin Pin Vlaamse Wijngilde Pin vlinder Pin bird Pin Volvo Pin fox Pin Würth Pin sun-flower Pin Wings of Memory Anneau de serrage pour écharpes

Contact us for more information or a personalized offer!